Portion Control Dieting

October 7, 2010

One of the simplest things people can do to help control their weight is to practice portion control. This means that rather than fill your plate up to its maximum, you instead serve yourself smaller portions. By doing this, you may find that you eat less and subsequently are able to control your weight more effectively.

portion control

Portion Control Dieting

For the average person who is overweight, it is best to come within 5 to 15 pounds of your ideal weight via conventional diets, then go on a portion control diet for several months after. Bear in mind that the healthiest way to lose weight is neither crash diets nor sudden bouts of exercise.

Rather, gradual changes are best for losing weight over the long term. Try to limit all sugars, but especially stay away from high-fructose corn syrup.If you still struggle to lose weight, you may be one of many people that has an alternative metabolism called Metabolism B, also be known as metabolic syndrome, syndrome X and insulin resistance. Metabolism B is an inherited predisposition that can show itself at any time and can be triggered by stress, inactivity, illness or a hormonal change in the body.

Before you begin your new diet and exercise regimen, you may wish to consult a dietitian. Studies have shown that metabolisms slow in a variety of ways as the body tries to conserve energy and regain weight. Doing even a light workout everyday will move you miles in the right direction. This can range from weight lifting to brisk daily walks. You may want to consider a weight loss camp or colonic spa to revitalize and rejuvenate.

Recognizing a symptom or sign for diabetes is important because diabetes is a condition that can be fatal. The research is just beginning, it is true, but already it has exposed some old wives tales about dieting. Fad diets appeal to people because they promise quick and easy weight loss. Toxins are stored in our body fat, and abdominal fat cells may also affect the healthy functioning of the liver. But in someone with Metabolism B the body tends to release too much insulin, which leads to roller-coaster blood sugar levels, fatigue and an urgent craving for more carbs.

Making a plan before you start trying to lose weight is the best way to increase your chances of weight loss success. The problem has been finding a strategy that really works. The best way to exercise is high-intensity interval training. Thus, just eating enough fiber may help you feel slimmer in just a day or so. In addition, never ever lie down immediately after eating a large meal.  This is an effective and natural method of losing weight and keeping it off. Just a little bit of cinnamon helps control post-meal insulin spikes and will stave off hunger. Switching from whole to nonfat or low-fat milk is also a good idea.